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Virtual Trial Fall 2024

 Fall 2024 Virtual Trial

                                     Unlimited Entries


    Entry Form:   

Entries will be accepted from  6am PDT September 5 to 6pm PDT September 6, 2024
Course maps will be available at 8am PDT October 1, 2024

Videos must be submitted by 11:59pm PDT October 14, 2024

All correspondence for the virtual trial must be addressed to



Premium List Rally Handbook Working Handbook
Titles achieved register Rally station signs Working signs and option cards
Virtual Trial Handbook Rally Amendments  Working Exercise 4 clarification



Notices - any updates will be here

Date/Time Update


What to include in your submission email:

Rally -  Class, round, stream (A/B or C), dog name, CARO Dog ID,  handler name and identify if the run is a move-up. 

Working - Identify the round number, dog name, CARO Dog ID, handler name and identify if any of the exercises are a move-up.


                                            GENERAL BRIEFING

Rally Regular/Brace Maps

Round 1
Round 2
Jade Robertson Zwingli
Maria Adams
Maggie Bird
Patricia Tschanen
Kimberly Masiak
Patricia Hunt
Ayoka Bubar
Versatility Excellent
Ayoka Bubar
Patricia Hunt


Rally Team Maps

Round 1
Round 2
Novice Team
Advanced Team
Jade Robertson Zwingli
Excellent Team
Kimberly Masiak
Versatility Team
Julia Schwark
Versatility Excellent
Nicole Wiebe
Debby DaCosta


Working Selections

Working Round 1
Nicole Wiebe
Working Round 2
Julia Schwark
Working Round 3
Debby DaCosta
Working Round 4