Judging Requirements


  1. Be a Professional Member of CARO in good standing and support the CARO perspective on Rally as a means to encourage a positive relationship of mutual trust and respect between dogs and their owners.
  2. Complete a CARO Judges application and submit the completed form along with the appropriate non refundable processing fee plus H.S.T. to the address indicated on the form.
  3. Shall be conversant with the Judges Handbook which is part of the part of the Master Handbook and downloadable from the Forms Page

Have obtained a CARO Advanced title
Have participated in an approved CARO judging clinic
Must shadow judge under an approved CARO judge for 10 courses.
10 dogs minimum at each level.

Team requires a minimum of 10 teams in a minimum of 2 rounds in any combination of Novice, Advanced, Excellent.

The required courses may be obtained at one trial or spread out over separate trials and/ or fun Matches
The name of the Judge(s) with whom you will be shadow judging, must be submitted to CARO
A list of approved judges can be obtained from CARO

  1. Read and understand the CARO Rally Obedience Rules and be thoroughly familiar with all of the exercises utilized in NOVICE, ADVANCED, EXCELLENT, VERSATILITY VERSATILITY EXCELLENT & the relative TEAM levels (as appropirate).
  2. Two tests must be submitted - each test must meet the required standards:-
    • CARO Rally Judging Test, a written test on CARO Rally Competition Rules and Judging Guidelines, must be completed with a score of 85% or higher, for each of the competition levels
    • Submit six course designs, with two for Novice, two for Advanced and two for Excellent. These must be drawn (by hand or computer) to scale and must be legible; they must also include typed course directions. These must be without error.

Must be approved to judge Novice, Advanced & Excellent
Must shadow judge under an approved CARO judge for four (4) courses (5 dogs minimum) 2 Versatility and/or Versatility Team
The name of the Judge(s) with whom you will be shadow judging, must be submitted to CARO
A list of approved judges can be obtained from CARO

Judges wishing to judge Versatility must also complete an application to Judge (Versatility) and submit the completed form together with the required non refundable fee (Plus HST) to the address indicated on the form. The applicant must also succesfully complete (85%) a written judges examination and submit two courses for versatility without errors.
If an applicant is unsuccessful according to the standards of each of these two items outlined above in 5. above, the applicant must wait six months before re-applying, CARO retains the right to refuse or revoke a judging application or licence.

Must be a CARO Judge
Must submit application for test 
Must pass the written test for the Working Level.



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