
DEADLINE EXTENDED! CARO will accept applications up to June 30th.

This program has been designed to support trial hosts under the following circumstances

1. Remote & new areas - to introduce CARO to new regions, to give an opportunity to clubs without judges to provide trials, to bring in new judges to areas where few judges are available.

2. Shadow/Cooperating Judge Support - to provide support to persons in their pursuit of becoming a judge.

3. Judging Requirements - to give current judges in remote areas and small clubs support to achieve their judging requirements.

4. General - to provide support for small clubs and to bring in new judges or send judges from smaller areas to locations with larger trials.

Trial hosts who wish to apply for funding are invited to submit an application form which can be found on the website under Trials/Trial Forms.

Please note that funding is limited. The Board will review all applications submitted by the deadline of June 23rd and allocate available funding based on the criteria above.

Please note also that this is a pilot program. We thank you in advance for your patience as we learn from this first running of the process.

A special shout out to Prairies Director Kim Masiak for all of her hard work on this project!

Maggie on behalf of the Board

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